
                                   Dear Cannon,
I have to say it has been good while it lasted.  I loved carrying you on my shoulder and around my neck.  The moments we shared together are priceless.  I think I have found you a Doctor to see if your sickness can be cured or if it is terminal.  My heart is saddened and I have in fact started to morn.  My Black attire is fitting for such a !!!parting between two friends.  What am I going to do without you? How will I catch all of those moments with just a simple touch of my finger? How am I going to find something that will get the clear picture and understand me the way that you did? How will I understand another? It took me 5 years to get to know you now I am going to have to TRY to get to know someone else.  All I can say is this is for the birds, I do not like saying goodbye, so for your sake and mine I hope the Doctor can find a cure.  I love you my dear friend and I hope that this isn’t goodbye for the two of us.  I am crossing my fingers wishing you to GET WELL SOON.
Love your dear friend,
