Extra Exta read all about it!!!

Ok so I must post!!! I have been so excited and busy working on things that I need to get this amazing news out to all my peeps!! I don’t want to brag but I am super d duper excited for this fun new adventure that I am embarking on!!! Well Drum Roll Please………………………. Well I interviewed with Provo Craft and took in my work and I am so happy to say that I am the newest member on their Design Team!!! Whoop Whoop, I have been busy working on projects that they have assigned me, and excited to get their feedback on what I have designed!! This was a blessing in disguise really.  I needed something that I could do from home that would make good money so I can start helping with the dreaded bills!!!  This is just the thing that our family needed.  So wish me luck as I take my designing to a new level!!! Thanks for all of the support from friends and family that believed in me also thanks to an amazing husband for loving and supporting me!
