Thinking of You Card

I have a friend on Facebook and her friends daughter is having some health problems. The girl is only 14 years old and needed a little boost. So she thought that it would be fun to ask all of her Crafty friends out there to make a card and send them to her, then she would send the all in a big box to this teenage girl. I commented and said I would love to make this girl a card. {Read More}

[sWEet BoY Card}

I made this sweet boy card for a baby shower. I had fun cutting out the frog and using googly eyes on him, I also used gems on his belly to enhance the spots. I had fun making this card. I am ususally not a card person but my sweet friend Malinda said that they are way fun and faster than a scrapbook l/o so I have been trying to put more effort into my cards, and guess what? She {Read More}